
The Rainbow Centre (Marham) is an all-inclusive Centre who will identify, understand and break down barriers to enable participation and belonging, no matter what race, disability, gender reassignment, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity or physical appearance. We recognize, respect and value diversity.  

The Public Sector Equality Duty (Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010) which came into force on 05 April, 2011, requires us to have due regard to the need to: Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimization and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. 

Our objectives to meet the above 3 duties will be: 

 Through visual posters, our environment, our working practice, clear communication, mutual trust and respect, openness and honesty, we will strengthen and develop our partnerships with the families who use our Centre. To do our utmost to ensure everyone has the same chances to use the services we offer, responding to different needs in different ways and focusing on the particular need of the individual. We will embrace people’s diversity and ensure their backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and valued. To give our families opportunities to tell us whether times available for Open Days, Families’ information weeks, Workshops etc., are appropriate or not and give them the option to offer alternate solutions. To ensure any advances or promotion in the staffing structure is not hindered due to having Protected Characteristics, but based solely on appropriate qualifications, competence and capability. To encourage interaction between Parents/Carers/families whilst attending our Story Cafés, Open Days, Events’ Days etc. - Currently not happening due to restrictions caused by Covid-19.


To achieve our aims of respect for other children, adults and equipment, we will not allow behaviour that will distress or hurt others. This will include bad language, spitting, verbal bullying, hitting, biting, pushing or kicking. Children are encouraged to report any incidents of bullying to staff.

A good positive attitude by staff who will note and praise good behaviour will be important in eliminating unacceptable behaviour.

Staff who observe any unwanted behaviour, will quietly in a non-threatening and non-humiliating way, explain to the child/children that such behaviour is unacceptable and work with them to find a constructive solution. Where necessary, staff will redirect children to play areas, encouraging appropriate activities to suit relevant cases.

Staff will be caring and sensitive when dealing with unacceptable behaviour, giving children time to talk to them about the situation and listen. The child’s age, understanding and maturity will be respected and taken into consideration.

Children who persist in displaying unacceptable behaviour will be brought to the attention of the Centre Manager who will have a chat with them. The parents of these children will be invited to the Centre to discuss the situation with the Centre Manager. It is hoped that a joint strategy can then be worked out between parents and Centre staff to eliminate this behaviour. In extreme cases,  indefinite exclusion may be deemed necessary.

Corporal punishment will never be used in the Centre. 

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(Marham) Elm Road
Kings Lynn , Upper Marham, Norfolk, PE33 9NF, GB

About us

A Company limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales, No 6580163 A registered charity, No 1126581 description here.