Our Centre

Play is vital for the well being and development of young children. Children learn through many day to day experiences in the Pre-School/Nursery; ‘play’ is a child’s work. Children learn by doing, emphasis being placed on the ‘process’ of the activity rather than the final ‘product’ that is produced. 

The Rainbow Centre (Marham) Pre- School/Nursery is committed to introducing current Pre-School/Nursery educational policies. Activities in the classroom/rooms are planned, based on children’s interests and next steps in their development guided by the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Individualised plans are devised to ensure children’s interests and abilities are taken into consideration, for their educational, emotional, social, spiritual and physical development.

Your children’s paintings, collage etc. will be displayed by the staff around the Centre and some will also be sent home as Parents/Carers are not allowed in the rooms due to Covid- 19.

At our Centre the children are given the opportunities to:

Build with bricks and construction toys. Make models with junk material, dough and clay.

Investigate whilst playing with water and sand play learning to pour, measure and make predictions.

Take part in role play areas such as ‘home corners’, space stations, vets, baby clinics etc., enabling the children to be imaginative by dressing up in costumes and using props to introduce children to other cultures and religious events in the World.

Be creative through paint, collage and “messy play” activities. Use the large hall for music & movement, yoga, sensory circuits and dance sessions. Sing and play musical instruments.

Listen to stories and poems, handle books, and partake in discussions. Cook, especially to celebrate other cultural and religious events. Use ICT equipment;
i.e. computers, tablets, tape recorders, electronic games and telephones.

Occasionally visit places on the RAF Station and nearby facilities i.e. shopping complex, post-office, library, etc.

We will invite visitors to the Centre to enhance the children’s learning, such as Police and Firemen (with their vehicles), Pilots, Dental Nurse, Musicians etc. and develop what children already know. Individual time is given to children with additional needs in the new hall. 

outdoor area

The outdoor area has been developed to include trim trails, a Road Safety Awareness bicycle track with petrol station, gazebo, basketball court, 5-a-side football pitch, outdoor story telling classroom, a gardening area, a giant sandpit, a cave, a bridge/tunnel, a water feature, a musical bus, mud kitchen, a wraparound veranda and a variety of activities to promote all areas of the EYFS. Displayed outside each room are weekly plans showing the activities, equipment etc. that your child will be taking part in during the week. As you are aware, Covid-19 has caused a lot of restrictions which limits some of the activities we are able to offer. 

Business Hours

  • Monday - Friday
    07:00am - 06:00pm
  • Saturday - Sunday


(Marham) Elm Road
Kings Lynn , Upper Marham, Norfolk, PE33 9NF, GB

About us

A Company limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales, No 6580163 A registered charity, No 1126581 description here.